The Flavor of Unraveling
Tanya L. Young
i haven’t written in weeks i am lost
in the mouth of myself and my mother
i am lost in the mother of myself
and i am holding out for unraveling
sunset and losing my written
dreaming for weeks i am holding
outside myself a candle and it is burning
doors i have written into the flavor
of unraveling a favor tasting like onion
skin tastes like the mouth of an orange
a bowl of grapes a locket filled with hair
and the mother of my written losing
and i haven’t found the sunset for weeks
i am holding myself in a bowl dreaming
of burning and burning and burning
in a locket something mother bright unraveling
like the skin of an orange and i haven’t lost myself
in a candle for weeks and i haven’t burned
anything lost for weeks

Tanya L. Young
Tanya L. Young is a BIPOC writer and visual artist. Her work has been featured in publications such as Salt Hill Journal, Santa Clara Review, New York Quarterly and others. She was the 2022-2023 Poetry Editor for Bellingham Review. She is a staff reader at TriQuarterly and The Maine Review. She has also read for publications such as Frontier Poetry and Tupelo Press. www.tanyasroom.com